Platinum Bars
The platinum & palladium bars available at Guildhall Precious Metals Online are LBMA approved and are guaranteed to have a purity of .999% or finer. Valcambi and Pamp Suisse are two of the most popular refiners in this category of product. Bars come in 1 oz and 10 oz increments and are easily stacked and countable. This category of bullion is considered a specialty product and therefore delivery times are longer than silver and gold. Orders are placed once payment has cleared. Depository storage is also available for platinum products.

About Silver
Silver has been called the people’s gold as it is a precious metal yet less expensive to acquire.

About Gold
Many of the world’s most wealthy individuals have been turning to gold as a means of protecting wealth.
How Does It Work?
At Guildhall Wealth Management, we help you achieve direct ownership of precious metals,
such as gold, and silver bullion, through registered savings and retirement accounts.